Artist Statements
(Artist statement example)
It is well-known fact that many artists find it difficult to write about their work. However, writing an artist statement is an integral part of the artist’s creative process and should be viewed as an extension of your artwork. Your artist statement is how you convey your ideas, concepts, and motivations to the viewer.
Therefore, the list below are some tips for when your writing your artist statements.
Read other artist statements (this will help build your vocabulary)
Reflect on your artwork and ask yourself questions - Why did I create it? What is my idea/concept? What were my motivations behind the work? What do I want the viewer to know?
Use clear language so that your audience will understand
Be specific
Always read your statement out loud (this is a good way to see if it reads well or not)
Use present tense (Present tense means to locate your artwork in present time).
Depending on where your art is being exhibited (gallery, website or art competition), word limits may apply to your artist statements. Therefore, a great practice to adopt is to write three statements for every artwork, one being 250 words, 100 words, and 50 words in length. This exercise is an excellent way to improve your writing overtime (the more you write the better you will become).